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Industry Newness

Can people living with HIV get life insurance?

Industry Newness

Can people living with HIV get life insurance?

For years, HIV has impacted millions globally, presenting unique challenges for those living with the virus. Among these challenges is securing life insurance—a crucial step in safeguarding the future of their loved ones. The landscape of life insurance for individuals with HIV has evolved, reflecting medical advancements and changing perceptions. Let's explore how this evolution affects life insurance accessibility for HIV-positive individuals.

Like anyone else, HIV-positive people want the best for their family and to have as much protection as possible. Traditionally speaking, companies don’t sell life insurance to high-risk individuals, and that includes HIV life insurance applicants. Though often viewed as unfair, this hesitation stems from a handful of complex reasons.  

Main points:

Evolving insurance landscape: The perception of HIV in the life insurance industry is changing, thanks to medical advancements. More insurers now offer plans tailored for HIV-positive individuals.

Types of available policies: Options include guaranteed issue life insurance, simplified issue life insurance, and group life insurance, each catering to different needs and conditions.

Medical underwriting criteria: Insurers consider factors such as consistent antiretroviral therapy, absence of AIDS-defining illnesses, regular specialist care, age, and history of substance use.

Steps to secure coverage: Research different policies, consult with high-risk insurance experts, compare quotes, and provide detailed health information during application.

Inclusivity and legislative changes: Medical improvements and laws like California's Equal Insurance HIV Act promote more inclusive insurance practices, preventing denial based solely on HIV status.

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  1. The changing landscape of HIV life insurance 
  2. Medical underwriting for HIV-positive applicants
  3. A new era of inclusivity and hope

The changing landscape of HIV life insurance 

Historically, life insurance providers were hesitant to cover high-risk individuals, including those with HIV. However, as our understanding and treatment of HIV advances, so too are the policies of many insurance companies. Thanks to medical advancements, living with HIV today is a whole different story—it’s now viewed as a chronic, manageable condition. This shift is a big win, not just in the medical community but also in how life insurance companies view HIV.

Here’s the cool part: This progress in medicine and a growing acceptance of HIV are making insurance companies sit up and take notice. They're now crafting policies that are not just inclusive but also packed with benefits that genuinely make sense for HIV-positive individuals. We're talking about a world where living with HIV doesn't put a stop sign on your insurance options but instead offers a green light to a range of possibilities. Today, several insurers offer plans designed specifically for HIV-positive individuals. These include:

  • Guaranteed issue life insurance: Ideal for those who may not pass a medical exam, offering higher premiums for lower coverage.
  • Simplified issue life insurance: Requires answering medical questions but no physical exam.
  • Group life insurance: Although this is technically not a final expense plan, this type of insurance has one contract that covers a group of people. They are often used as an employer-based benefit.
HIV/AIDS - Death Rates1

Medical underwriting for HIV-positive applicants

Health insurance underwriting for a person with HIV can also be a harsh reality. Underwriting is the process insurance companies go through to guess how long you’ll live. As creepy as that sounds, the fact remains that life insurance companies gather data, including age, gender, and health, to determine how soon the grim reaper will be knocking at your door. 

Insurance companies now consider the individual's management of their HIV condition during the underwriting process. Criteria may include:

  • Consistent treatment with antiretroviral therapy for a minimum of two years.
  • Absence of AIDS-defining illnesses.
  • Regular care under a specialist for HIV.
  • Age restrictions, typically between 20 and 65.
  • No history of substance or intravenous drug abuse.

Actionable steps for securing coverage:

Research: Start by understanding the types of policies available and which might suit your needs.

Consult Experts: Engage with insurance professionals who have experience in high-risk insurance.

Compare Quotes: Don't settle for the first option. Shop around and compare different policies.

Apply: Complete the application process, providing accurate and comprehensive health information.

A new era of inclusivity and hope

Significant strides in medical science have increased life expectancies for those with HIV, prompting insurers to reassess and modify their policies. Legislative changes, like  California's Equal Insurance HIV Act, are also paving the way for more inclusive insurance practices, prohibiting denial of coverage based solely on an HIV-positive status.

The journey towards accessible life insurance for individuals with HIV reflects broader societal progress. The outlook is increasingly hopeful with ongoing medical advancements and evolving insurance policies. As we witness the expansion of options, it's crucial to stay informed and consult with insurance experts to find the best coverage for your unique needs. 

Roser, M., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Hasell, J. (n.d.). HIV/AIDS - Death Rates. Our World in Data. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from

The opinions we expressed in this post are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.